Welcome to the Centennial Setonians website!

A tribute to what may be the most overwhelming if not outstanding high school student batch in the history of the Elizabeth Seton School.

First we were few, the chosen, to continue the voyage to announce to the public, the loyalty which the chosen few were to proclaim to its alma mater in exuberance. Then an apparent growth was to turn this chosen loyals into the biggest batch in the history of the institution during its time. An outstanding example of diversity has then been produced by just the simple addition of its members. From foreign institutions, they have chosen to contribute to an already unique group of individuals to result in its very own cultural revolution. We were the Elizabeth Seton School High School batch 1998, all creative, all determined, all Filipino. The centennial batch, named after the 100th year anniversary of Philippine independence, and like the spirit in which our fore fathers expresed to proclaim its freedom, so Centennial Setonians, in ideas unimagenable, do go their way to fully express their one uniquness which makes us worthy to be called Setonians and proud to be Setonians.

We are the Seton batch 1998. Once the youth of the future, now the youth in the future. As we have now stepped into reality, we continue to strive to proclaim what we as Setonians have come forth to prove to the nation. We are one in this aim, and as one we reach our goal. Our individual success is the success of the entire family and so together we yell out to the world, our presence, of which we can say, is the success of our efforts as students of the school of the future.

We Need Your Help!!!

This website is dedicated to entire 1998 batch of the Elizabeth Seton School. Any contributions to its content will be greatly appreciated. Send us your pictures, announcements, updates, invitation, literary works, art works, feature articles, news articles, questoins, answers, etc. This will be our website so try to contribute to its development.


Although very disappointing for the few (who should get a life), the servers of this website has allowed featuring of this website considering it having no tolerance of pornography or any of the same sort in its contents.

Contributions shall be sent to the following menbers of the rehabilitated year book staff listed below:

Paul Conrad Dalmacio
Jenny Rubio
Edwin Baniqued
Arnold Canaria

Or you may email it to the webmaster by clicking on the link below.


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